Police Corruption. Just who is the masked miscreant Willyman?

Thanks to the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the last 16 years have exposed us to numerous superheroes with ever ridiculous names and powers. Spiderman, Antman, Iron Man to name but a few. They have added to the competing franchise roster of Batman, Superman and Aquaman, with many of their real life identities unknown.

The Northants own Misfeasance and Corruption Universe is no stranger to this game and today I want to examine the antics of our own masked miscreant, who operates alongside the local law enforcement.


In order to do this deep dive, we need to look into the background of one of Willyman’s chief enablers, and all round champion for his antics of non-consensual sexual activity. One of the members of  Detective Superintendent Joseph Banfield’s PVP unit, specifically someone who is responsible for investigating cases of sexual abuse and exploitation, one Detective Constable 1414 Jonathan Brawn, pictured above with some unknown woman that he seems to know, at some event where they seemed to go all out and get dressed up for it.

I am Jonathan, Police constable of Northamptonshire and defender of the secrets of corruption and misfeasance of the PVP unit. This is Banfield, my brainless boss. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic warrant card and said “By the powers warranted to me by Chief Constable Nick Adderley!” Banfield became mighty implicated, and I became untouchable, the most Teflon coated man in the County.

Only three others share this secret. Our friends The Professional Standards Department, man at phone shop who is happy to tamper with evidence, and all other officers working under Banfield. Together we defend the Criminal Justice Centre from the evil forces of transparency and accountability arising from complaints from the public.

OK, that is probably not the version you remember and I am sure some of your childhoods will now be forever ruined by this, but I wanted to visit some level of humour on you as by the end of this, the emotions will likely be a mix of shock and disgust as just how rotten to the core Northants Police is, and why it is haemorrhaging what good officers it does have.

The case of Nick Adderley is by no means the one off that Northants Police will try to paint this as. This was the man in charge who set the tone through his lies. These were lies that many knew about, knowing if they kept quiet and participated in his cover up culture, they would be richly rewarded with promotions. People like DSu Banfield who was promoted from a DCI under Nick Adderley, then promulgate this culture down through the ranks, ensuring his hand picked team all shared his questionable values about how to reach their targets, in exchange for looking the other way and covering up any behaviour from their colleagues, that should by all rights see them sacked.

Jonathan Brawn is the epitome of this modern day officer who acts wholly outside of PACE and gets the protection of his senior officers, because he in turn actively helps cover up for them.

The most notable example was how Brawn was instrumental in unlawfully seizing evidence in a live court case, with the material proving Adderley’s criminality years before it ever got fully exposed. This alone starts to raise red flags about him, looking a bit iffy for happening to be in the middle of evidence that could have got his boss sacked. If I then told you he then gave this legally privileged evidence to a convicted criminal, you really start to have concerns about what he is up to and what side he is playing for. Any solicitors will tell you that Police seizing evidence that attracts legal professional privilege is questionable at best and walking a very fine line, giving said evidence to a convicted criminal fully crosses over that line that as a Police officer that you are supposed to be holding. When this evidence proves your boss is corrupt, the reasons and motivations for you embarking on this course of action really do narrow, leading people to the inescapable conclusion that you are aware of the corruption and are actively trying to help your boss cover it up and protect him. Behaviour totally at odds with the oath he swore as a Police officer.

As shocking as his involvement with Nick Adderley is, this is NOT the story I am here to reveal as that will all come out in the wash in the coming weeks when the further revelations about Adderley hit the headlines (yes I know it is hard to believe but there is STILL more to come). Instead it is how his very public conduct is totally at odds with being an officer who works on the sexual offences team.

I’ve previously talked about my own experiences and how the rape I reported was covered up for 8 years and when finally logged, DSu Banfield lied about the evidence and continued to cover this up. This is not an isolated incident as there is the more recent case of Maria Botterill-Barnes, victim of convicted domestic abuser and former leader of West Northants Council Jonathan Nunn. Since reporting this months ago to Northants Police. DSu Banfield and his team have personally ensured matters are stalled, long enough for Nunn to tie up all his affairs so he can move to Spain to escape any justice.

Gotta look out for your mates and pull those strings where you can eh Joe!

Other victims of domestic abuse have also contacted me and tell of similar stories where their cases are dropped and told they cannot be re-opened due to administrative limitations and procedures. Examples being how officers come to the victim’s homes, do not bother knocking the door and then leave, recording they couldn’t make contact to get a statement so closed the case. Harriet Hollands’ name comes up more than once for this trick to close down all her cases and then just ignore the victim’s calls waiting for the 6 month statute of limitations to expire.

Genius way to manage her workload till those bastard victims with ring doorbells present that annoying thing called video evidence to contradict her.

To know that the Protection of Vulnerable People unit are grossly inept & useless is one thing. I had already reached this conclusion after just watching DSu Banfield during media interviews. He conveys that he leads his department and carries out the management of his cases and his coppers with all the poise and sophistication of a urine-soaked vagabond, hammering on the doors of the local Wetherspoons to let him in, begging for one more drink before time is called, while also then being the first patron to grace the establishment with his presence at 9am when they open, all the while being suitably pissed enough to be equally proud of these achievements.

But I digress….

Ineptitude is something you can almost accept that you will not be able to change, so long as you have someone as useless as Banfield steering the ship, but when you start to see how the team view consent and sexual assault, with their morals and behaviours being at odds with their obligations it starts to move the dial from being just frustrating to actually being very worrying. The likes of David Carrick and Wayne Couzens got away with their crimes for so long because they were enabled by their colleagues and became enbolded, knowing the “blue code” would ensure any crime, no matter how heinous, is ever reported or admitted and their colleagues would pull out all the stops to cover things up if a complaint was made against them.

Think I am making things up? Then look at this FOI in February 2024 that was refused.

Link below for the copy and paste crew.


You can draw your own conclusions about why a team investigating sexual offences refuse to answer how many of the team are themselves under investigation for sexual offences. When that number should be zero, the silence is more deafening and shocking than the actual number.

Now with all of the above ensuring the stage is suitable set, the hall rented and the orchestra engaged, lets commence with the opening concerto in this charade of non-consensual conceit.

They say a picture paints a thousand words. When viewing this picture on Facebook from a night out that DC Brawn took part in, I was limited to just three being WTF!

People dressed up as superheroes for a night out is nothing too outrageous. To dress up as Superman and surprise your kids is something quite suitable for their granny to be present at.

When the superhero is named is Willyman, this would be something of an acquired taste and perhaps not the sort of thing you would deem suitable to share publicly, much less openly like and comment as DC Brawn has.

When you take this a step further and have what seems to be a dildo as his superweapon, you leave no room for imagination in exactly what Willyman gets up to.

When Willyman actively goes around using this dildo on other people against their will, it becomes quite clear that this is less caped crusader and more masked miscreant. Someone who does not prevent crime, but actively commits it.

To then post this publicly on Facebook and show to the whole world how you find the act of non-consensual sex something that it not just okay, but the subject of jokes and entertainment, really start to nudge into Wayne Couzens territory, for not just the content, but the bravado knowing he can get away with this.

I want to start to dissect this in detail and examine the language and meaning behind the comments. DC Brawn makes a comment of

“Ha ha you only went and uploaded it to FB!”

This implies he either had a copy of this sent to his phone, or that he was part of the group behind the camera taking the photo. The comments even reference him being a Police officer, so any excuse this was years ago and prior to him joining the force do not stack up as a credible defence. I have not blacked out the names as I have linked to this above so everyone else can see this live and prove this is not photoshopped or edited by me, to try to make Brawn look bad.

I do want to address the inevitable support he will get from his mates and other coppers, all with their own skeletons in their closets.

This is his private life – leave him alone.

This may have happened in private but this has been uploaded to Facebook and worse than that is public for all to see. When you put elements of your private life in the public sphere for public consumption and “likes” then you cannot claim privacy as some sort of defence.

He was just with his mates having a laugh – he is not harming anyone.

For any other profession this might be an acceptable defence, but for a Police officer you expect them to be held to a higher standard. For a member of the sexual offences team dealing with a parent whose son/daughter has been abused or exploited, this behaviour and what he considers to be “just a laugh” is totally at odds with what a traumatised victim and their parents expect from an investigating officer.

He was not dressed up as Willyman – he is not responsible for this.

He is not responsible for this, but his comments and likes clearly show his opinions on this and how he finds the content and implications amusing and a source of entertainment.

He did not upload the picture – he has no control over this.

He did not upload the picture but his comments show he both had prior knowledge of this and by commenting and laughing, shows how he is actively engaging with this finding it funny, rather than challenging it.

So what if he did all of this – you have probably done the same or worse.

Perhaps I have done something equally as bad that unknowingly offends people, the difference being I am not a Police officer held to a higher standard, I do not engage in activity utterly contrary to my publicly funded role of helping victims of sexual abuse and exploitation and I ensure such activity is not public on the internet. Were I in the position where something I have said and done publicly did offend someone and I were asked to remove it, I would also not ignore such a request.

This is what sets me apart from DC Brawn.

I am sure the inevitable DARVO attacks will come, in exactly the same way they did when I reported the rape & harassment to PC Lewis Marks and DC Brawn in 2021. Their approach then was to interview me for 2 hours as a victim to see what information they could get from me to try to fabricate something to charge me with, rather than actually, you know, log the crimes such as rape that I was raising.

They cannot even claim they did both, as they focused on trying to charge me while the rape I made aware to DC Brawn in 2021 was ignored at every stage by him and every other officer I raised this to including Nick Adderley throughout 2022 and 2023. Only finally being correctly logged in June 2023 when the media got involved.

Hurrah, trebles all round for Brawn and his mates on the sexual offences team, not bothering to actually log or investigate sex crimes and then trying to gaslight the victim by seeing if they can charge them!

You may think that Brawn getting up to questionable activity like this is bad enough, and you would be right to think so. The story however gets far worse as for all their PR statements about changes of culture with Adderley gone, the cabal of corruption within Northants Police & the local authority are still present, and they still hold and exert a great influence over matters, as I will go on to demonstrate.

DC Brawn has engaged in a course of conduct that I perceive to be harassment. He has participated in the creation of fake online profiles to troll me and harass me. The profiles make jokes and mock me about rape, others pretend to be genuine and engage in conversations asking me to buy generic ‘products’ that then change the profile to be one selling counterfeit currency, stolen credit cards, drugs, prostitution or somesuch to make it seem that I am engaging in conversation with them trying to purchase such things, and then blackmail me wanting payments threatening me with getting raped again when I do not play ball, telling me I probably enjoy it.

Sorry for being graphic in the description, but this is far nicer than posting some of the actual message. Hopefully you get the idea of how bad this is when far from actually trying to help victims, Brawn goes beyond being just useless and ignoring them, he actively tries to torment them. If you read my previous blogs, I hope all these extra details can shine a light on how much I DID NOT say about what happened and nearly pushed me over the edge, nearly killing myself.

I am not going to lay out every piece of evidence, this has literally been going on for years and Northants Police could not be less interested if they tried. I cannot prove every single profile has been created by or is being accessed by DC Brawn and his mates, but the fact I have been reporting the ones I can prove for years, with these and other incidents getting ignored and the profiles then being wiped certainly starts to raise questions about the motivations of Northants Police for working so hard to ignore the crimes I report and record all the details incorrectly, and then using the interviews with me as a victim of crime to question me in such a way to try to build a case to charge me.

Apparently according to Northants Police and Banfield’s team, bank details in relation to blackmail are not enough to track someone down who tries to pretend they are underage, screenshots the conversation and then messages me from a different account demanding money or else I will be arrested for breaking the law. Somewhat weird as bank details are probably the most sure-fire way to track someone down as they uniquely identify exactly whose account payments go into. Northants Police give the glib answer just block all these troll accounts and when I highlight how many of these I get on a daily basis, they tell me to stop using the internet as I need to take better steps to safeguard myself, as though their officers being behind these profiles have the right to harass, intimidate and blackmail members of the public into dropping complaints of corruption, and it is the victim that needs to do more to stop being targeted.

I wrote to the new broom acting Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet, I explained about Brawn and other issues of corruption in his force, requesting to meet with him so he could address this.

This email was ignored. So I sent another email almost 2 weeks later

This email was also ignored.

I printed off the email, letter and evidence and posted it to him recorded delivery. This was signed for.

This too was ignored, now being nearly a month since I first contacted him.

I then wrote to him explaining due to him ignoring me for weeks on end I would now be speaking with the press and exposing all of this as he clearly has no desire to cooperate with me. I personally feel considering the rape that was covered up and the general level of harassment I was being subjected to that my email was extremely tame and reserved.

This email mentioning the press DID actually get a reply, albeit one stalling. In the interest of fairness and given how busy he is, I was willing to work to his deadline if it meant he was actually going to do something. Ever the optimist, hope springs eternal etc etc.

The deadline came up and he extended it as he needed more time.

The next deadline came up and he extended it as he still needed more time.

The next deadline came up and he extended it as he still needed more time.

At this point I imagine you are getting bored of scrolling through these repetitive emails, kicking the can down the road each time. Rest assured that as bored as you are reading this, living through it feels like being overtaken by stationary objects, with an expectation of an ancillary email telling me he is experiencing higher than usual complaint volumes, my complaint is very important to him and I am number 17 in the complaint queue.

Coming up for 3 months since I first raised this to him and in light of everything else that has happened, it becomes clear that Balhatchet’s ONLY focus is maintaining the PR of Northants Police. Securing himself a promotion off the back of caretaking the top job will not be helped by setting a proverbial bomb off, exposing and acting on the corruption overseen and endorsed by one of his senior Superintendents Joseph Banfield. The fact the bigger picture is how his officers engage in criminality and this clearly does not bother him enough to do anything. Like I said in my email to him, I question exactly where his red line is that needs to be crossed for him to actually do something about crimes committed by his officers sufficient to cajole him into any sort of response.

These are exactly the sort of decisions that the colleagues of David Carrick and Wayne Couzens made, turning a blind eye to their sexual misconduct and complaints raised about them.

I even emailed DC Brawn and put him on notice that if he didn’t remove this material and stop harassing me I’d be commencing civil action against him. I gave him 72 hours to delete the material and cease and desist. This was 2 weeks ago on 4th June 2024 and if you’ve read this blog and clicked the links taking you to the very active picture on Facebook, you can see we are somewhat past the deadline.

The automatic email reply message confirms he is still on active duty, the lack of any reply to my letter disputing anything raised, and the far more significant fact that none of the offensive material has been taken down speaks volumes about his arrogance and how he views this situation, and more worryingly the level of protection he knows he will get from DSu Banfield in helping to cover this up.

Now you might think I am being overly sensitive about this and its just some laddish banter and any serious sexual crime by a serving officer would be investigated and NOT covered up.

Well think again, in an entirely separate matter, I had to report a serving Police officer for a sex crime against me and it took 6 months and reporting it 3 times before they even bothered to log this. When they did finally agree to take a statement from me on Sunday 14th January 2024 when they realised I was not going to go away, they edited it and refused to name the officer in the statement, under instructions from their supervisors.

Any serving Police officers will know how tampering with evidence, amending statements and generally interfering with an investigation to aid an offender is a very clear example of Perverting The Course of Justice. Don’t believe this happened, then just listen to the audio from the interview that a whistleblower from Northants Police provided to me.

This is a small sample of the entire interview and exchange, but it shows there was no misunderstanding and despite several protestations from me, they were not going to include the serving officer’s name in the statement and would only provide me with a very watered down statement to sign. Any serving Police officers will know that the statement must be taken verbatim and is not guided by what the officer does or does not feel comfortable doing. This audio is effectively confirming that this is a choice NOT to name their colleague as a suspect based on their own subjective feelings of what they find comfortable, rather than actually Policing without fear or favour.

It became very clear that as the PC was under instructions not to record the officer’s name, refusing to even speak it on his BWV that this audio is ripped from, I was never going to be presented with MY statement to sign, rather I was going to be given HIS edited one that protects his colleague.

The main reason being was so this weak statement could be used to justify marking this as no further action (NFA) as there is no named suspect and no reasonable lines of enquiry. If however this officer WAS named, then formal procedures would need to start and they would need to be investigated and removed from frontline duties. I am sure any investigation would be a whitewash, but this still leaves a very awkward audit trail, making it progressively harder to completely cover it up.

In the 5 months since making this statement and despite PPI levels of communications from me requesting it, no statement has been provided to me to sign nor has any other interview taken place as promised. The whole thing has just stalled with delays and obfuscations.

I am being very careful not to name or say anything too explicit as the officer and their colleagues are doing all they can to goad me into naming them, as this will help derail any prosecution. What I can say is that in light of no formal statement being taken naming them, this officer is still serving and coming into contact with members of the public. It might not also shock you that having a taste for sexual misconduct, it is only fitting they too gravitated to working under the inept supervision of DSu Joseph Banfield getting access to victims of sex crimes.

When you then start to consider that DSu Banfield shared a platform with his good mate Jonathan Nunn for the “it only takes one” event and has stalled taking action to aid Nunn’s victim and ex-wife Maria Botterill-Barnes to enable his flit to Spain, you can reasonably ask the question if Banfield and his team are responsible for enabling more violent and sexual crimes than they actually investigate and resolve.

Granted that is a bit of a cliché statement from me, but really stop and ask yourself why a department designed to investigate violent and sexual crimes, is actively trying to derail investigations into the very crimes they specialise in and just what their motivations are for protecting those accused of sex offences?

The saddest part of this tragedy is that there are some very good officers within Northants Police who work hard, many have personally told me how disgusted they are by the corruption that they see and hear that gets covered up. Their efforts to act on what they see, trying to report it were previously met with bullying and harassment under the Adderley regime. The very organisation set up as a union to protect them, The Police Federation of England & Wales, perhaps being the worst culprit of this, coming down hard on any member who dares to question the status quo.

The status quo being all subs paid for membership do not result in suitable support, but rather help fund the palatial Leatherhead building and various property management shell companies that have not paid corporation tax. There is also leakage of subs in the form of the various consultancy fees that Mukund Krishna pays to other companies for no visible tangible return. This is before you even look at the psychotherapy business Dakshi that he moonlighted under using the name Mukund Cherukuri, advertising to providing counselling sessions to paying customers during business hours when he is contracted to be doing PFEW work.

He has since dissolved the businesses and laid low when the spotlight was shone on him. I maintain that anything that flourishes while burrowing underground out of sight, yet withers in the light of day does not belong and should not be nurtured.

Bringing it back closer to home, you just need to look at the likes of Sam Dobbs who runs the Northampton arm of PFEW STILL supporting Adderley in the face of all the evidence and not taking the numerous opportunities to back peddle on this PR shitstorm. With Dobbs at the helm, blind to anything he personally disagrees with, it is easy to see how the PFEW is NOT run for the benefit of its members who speak out about visible breaches of the law carried out by their colleagues.

I could list countless more examples of misconduct that goes on with the officers enjoying protection because they maintain the status quo. Most recently there is a uniformed Sergeant who met his current partner when they came through the station as a victim of rape. To abuse your position of trust to groom a rape victim you meet though your job into dating you, as though this is some perk of the job is reprehensible and for me is on the same level as Jimmy Savile, albeit more subtle in how it is carried out. For this person to wield power and influence, with whistleblowers knowing they will suffer if they speak out highlights just how broken Northants Police is from the very top down.

With all of these barriers and obstacles to carrying out their jobs and the constant barrage of negative opinions and abuse from the public tarring all officers with the same brush, would you blame any of these good officers for deciding to throw in the towel and electing to have an easier life, going deliver groceries for Tesco instead?

For all of those officers who resonate with that last paragraph and are choosing to stick with it, know that I and people like me have your back and will support you where we can in exposing and removing all of these corrupt officers and their superiors who make your job 10 times harder than it needs to be.

We however cannot do this alone, it is very easy to look the other way and dismiss officers like DC Brawn as just engaging in laddish banter and not being any real harm. Officers like David Carrick and Wayne Couzens started EXACTLY the same way and went on to become bolder and more daring in what they thought they could get away with.

Please do not think the system will root them out, relying on senior officers like A/CC Balhatchet to do the right thing, as my own communications with him have shown, this will be stalled for as long as it takes for his promotion to be rubber stamped, leaving this to be someone else’s problem.

Every officer that works with colleagues that behave like DC Brawn, need to question if they could live with themselves if they did the favour for him that he asked in helping covering something up, only for him to become the next David Carrick or Wayne Couzens that they could have stopped.

Every member of the public who is reading this and thinking I am being overly dramatic and building a house of cards. Look back over how much about Nick Adderley I’ve revealed that I had been sat on, and just how spot on about it I was, and then question if I am really that far off the mark about an entry level Detective Constable.

It follows that if I am right, then ask yourself would you really want your son, daughter, sister, brother, cousin or any immediate family member to go through the most horrible ordeal and muster up the courage to report their attacker and reveal such details to the likes of DC Brawn, only for it to become the subject of a meme or a joke between Brawn, Banfield and all their mates on their sleazy WhatsApp group chat?

2 responses

  1. Scott.L.Pileckas | Reply

    This is beyond disturbing but expected Simon. Thank you for this. I understand now why their playbook includes prosecuting maliciously people like you and me for reporting officers who engaged in sexual assault of people like me in order to deflect, protect, and defend such misconduct.

  2. […] learn that active criminal cases were covered up by Nick Adderley during his time at Northants (see my story on Willyman here for just one example) seeing him being allowed to walk off with his unlawfully obtained pension is by no means a […]

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