Medals of dishonour – Northants Police dodgy DC rigs ID parades to fudge the figures

In a force where you can achieve anything you want and be anyone you want once you disregard reality, getting any award, commendation or accolade in Northants Police is really not all it is cracked up to be as the recent scandal with Nick Adderley and his false medals and lack of vetting checks have recently proven.

The only medals issued at Northants Police are ones of dishonour and disgrace, with judgement handed down by the court of public opinion. Northants Police and the Office of Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner are keen to distance themselves from the current tsunami of bad PR, claiming vetting was already in place and battle lines being drawn for the upcoming bun fight with Staffordshire Police on whose watch it was when the DV was supposed to have taken place and didn’t. Jane Sawyers anticipating being the patsy for this and sending her account to Twitter heaven to join the likes of the accounts of Nick Adderley and Colleen Rattigan.

Nick Adderley may be the most senior and most prominent example of a rotten apple in the barrel, but to assume the corruption and lies started, ended and is limited to him is demonstrably not the case. The replacement of Acting Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet is proving to be cut from the same cloth as Adderley, ignoring corruption and doing his best to deflect, obstruct and obfuscate rather than investigate and root it out.

A legacy case that is still YET to be addressed circles back to Nick Adderley’s right hand man that he promoted from DCI to DSu and who runs the PVP Unit, Joseph Banfield.

I’ve already covered examples how Banfield lies and covers up as a matter of course, with his DI Elizabeth Basham holding a directorship of the same business Stephen Mold was also once a director of. The issue being not the directorship, but the lack of disclosing this and lying when challenged about it.

There is the more recent scandal of Willyman where his staff engaging in dealing with victims of sexual assault have their own unique views on consent and what they consider funny.

This is on top of the rape that I reported that was covered up for 8 years and that Banfield has lied about to ensure when it was finally logged, it did not progress to aid the rapist.

Add in one of his own officers being reported for a sex crime 3 times before being logged and the statement edited to remove the officer’s name and him still being on active duty with access to victims of sexual violence 9 months after first being reported, you start to see how Banfield is very much a friend to the sex offenders in Northants, especially when their names are on his org chart of staff that he manages.

Not just limiting himself to sexual violence, sharing a platform with Jonathan Nunn at the “it only takes one” event, something that his department benefited from a share of £800k of central government funds from to help them cover up good old fashion wife beating violence. Nunn being someone who he would hold a file on in his domestic violence register as a convicted abuser, yet seeing no issue with this sharing a platform with him. To then go on and purposely stall the investigations of reports made by Maria Botterill-Barnes and others to allow Nunn to move to Spain to escape any sanctions again exposes Banfield for the inadequate that he is.

All of these things alone are quite frankly shocking. That someone so senior runs a department where it cannot all be deemed to just be Banfield being grossly inept, as his actions appear part of a deliberate strategy to ensure violent and sexual crimes are covered up and not progressed. The fact Adderley chose so many of his inner circle to be on the PVP unit is itself quite telling about his own motivations. With stories of coercive control and abusing his position to target and groom younger female officers for extra marital activities being a poor reflection on Adderley alone, the officers who have been quite happy to carry out these cover ups leave a lasting deeper stain on Police, not just in Northants but on a wider national scale, given the publicity and attention the Adderley story is attracting. Carrick and Couzens are by no means the outliers in the organisation here.

It might come as no shock to learn that another member of DSu Banfield’s team was involved in a serious case of Perverting the course of justice going back to 2014. This predates both Banfield and Adderley joining Northants Police showing the rot was in place long before they began their unique brand of leadership. Therefore their removal while helping, will not fully resolve matters.

The story in essence, is that I was subject to an attempted mugging at knifepoint in May 2014. This was before any ongoing issues with Northants Police and before I became exposed to the level of corruption, so with a degree of innocence, I approached this with a view of trust and faith in the system. A statement about the incident was taken by PC Linda Gibb, once logged this was then assigned to a detective, one DC Kate Robinson who spoke to me many times to inform me of progress and what I could expect.

The ID parade to identify this subject did not take place until 4 months after the actual incident and statement taken. Before I walk you through the events between May and September 2014, I want to use a suitable analogy to prime your mind and hopefully bridge any political divides that may exist between my readership.

Without causing too much offence or inference, it is pretty safe to say on a Venn diagram, that despite being in 2 different countries and both pools of voters only able to cast a binding vote in their own local territory, those in the UK who voted remain in the Brexit referendum would generally be in the same cluster as those who would vote AGAINST Donald Trump if they lived in the US. With the other side being those who voted leave, more inclined to vote FOR Donald Trump. This is not a perfect split but the options help suitably divide people into one of two camps for the purposes of this example.

When the leave vote won, there was a large outcry with legal arguments and attempts to overturn the result by remain, citing it was not legally binding and the vote should be run again with protests galore and media interviews that still continue to this day rehashing the same arguments. Remain heavily argued that there was nothing wrong with their position of exercising their democratic right to protest and dearly wanted the result overturned. I myself said at the time be careful what you wish for just because the outcome suits your agenda today, if the opposing side said the same in a different set of circumstances would you be as happy with them getting their way and overturning a vote if they disagreed with it?

I think it is painfully obvious where I am going with this analogy.

Sure enough during the 2021 protests in the US that turned into riots, while they employed far less civilised tactics than the remainers in the UK, their position was basically the same. A vote was cast, they did not agree with how it landed and wished to overturn it. This led to a polarised debate trying to split down the Brexit vote as different to the 2020 US election applying different rules to each, depending what side of the argument and which situation you were looking at it from. For all my strong opinions on things I am a firm believer in the rule of law and order and the law being applied equally to all, therefore whatever we decide for one situation we must apply to all. Once you start descending into what I would call “regional rules” you end up with anarchy with people making it up as they go along. Anyone who has played a friendly Christmas game of Monopoly with family members citing never heard of before rules to justify their own advancement, knows how quickly this ends with a tantrum and the houses being flung across the board.

With your mind suitably primed, you will see how at the time, I was very much in the camp that if rules were being bent for me as the victim, this was okay to be overlooked as it was benefiting me. I was very much in the mindset of thinking DC Kate Robinson was pulling out all the stops to ensure I got justice, without for one second considering the possibility she could be wrong and the person she wanted me to ID was in fact innocent.

DC Robinson told me who the preferred suspect was, one Leroy Robinson and she was determined to nail him for my knife attack. She however needed me to ID him and to help with this, she told me when Leroy Robinson was in court on separate charges, specifically on 18th June 2014 at Northampton Crown Court, telling me to go in and sit in the public gallery to get a good look at him.

This case was adjourned until the 10th September 2014 where I was told to go back on this date and the ID parade would held back until after I had this opportunity to see him to help aid with the ID parade.

Keep in mind at the time I felt this was helping get the case over the line and really did not give it much thought to the implications if this was not the guy who mugged me. The ID parade then came and I did not ID the correct person, at least in the eyes of DC Kate Robinson.

A call on 30th September 2014 at 09:51 that lasted 5 minutes and 7 seconds was somewhat terse, where by DC Robinson told me that I had picked suspect 1 and it was in fact suspect 2 that was Leroy Robinson that I was supposed to have picked. To say she was annoyed was an understatement, but this was not from any perspective of me the victim being let down, rather one of her targets not being met. Thus this conversation ended any contact or follows up from DC Robinson once I had failed to help her ID the suspect she wanted to get sent down for this.

Anyone with Northants Police or who works within the legal profession reading this will clearly know for me to know the name of the suspect, the dates this suspect was in court or what order they were in the ID parade is knowledge well beyond what I could be aware of. The fact I do not name the suspect in my MG11 statement tends to support this as if I knew all of this, I would surely have named him to help secure a conviction, rather than go through this ridiculous dance of dodgy ID parades.

It was only years later when the rape was being covered up with other crimes, I started to change my perception seeing how this approach to arresting anyone to hit the targets and fudge the ID parade to box off an arrest was a shocking approach to Policing that could well have been responsible for sending down an innocent person. When I reported a crime and had PC Lewis Marks of Walgrave conspiring with the best mate of Willyman DC Jonathan Brawn to interview me as a victim of crime, questioning me with a view to what charges they could fabricate, it became all too clear how Northants “improved” their HMICFRS rating under Nick Adderley. Much like his approach to promotions, vetting and CVs, just put any old shite down on paper and this will be happily rubber stamped to make the stats look good. If you happened to be an innocent person convicted it mattered not, as Adderley had got the stats up and would soon be using this to aid him on his way to next promotion of Space Shuttle Captain.

Naturally after this crisis of conscience I had raised this in 2018 and 2019 when calling up to complain about why the rape was being ignored and of course as this was Northants Police with “Northants Thief” Nick Adderley in charge at this point, complaints were ignored and binned off. I even emailed him several times in 2022 and this was never addressed then, with complaints raised about him ignoring this equally binned off by Emily Evans in the OPFCC. In fact it is safe to say this most serious incident of PTCoJ by asking me to fudge an ID parade and finger the suspect the Police wanted has never been addressed, at least in terms of the complaint element given how serious this is.

When this sorry saga is commissioned into a TV show (I can confirm one is currently being written) and you are watching this with bated breath, this is the point where a lovely plot twist occurs and you realise that as a result of my job, I have access to copies of call recordings to help prove what has been said.

Quite the game changer!

The true character of a man is whether or not he lies when he knows it cannot be proven as such. For this reason I am not going to tip my hand fully about things, as I feel it far more satisfying to let the likes of Balhatchet and Banfield revert to type and try to lie their way out of matters before I expose them as such, in the same way I did with Nick Adderley. Their misfeasance and covering up their own corrupt officers will to coin a phrase, do their legs, but it will be the inevitable lies they will tell to try to smear me and deflect attention away from their failings that will reduce them to being the subject of memes, just like has happened with Nick Adderley.

Suffice to say I can back up a lot of the misfeasance and Nick Adderley as well as DSu Banfield knew this.

You might recall that when finally logging the rape and taking a statement from me in July 2023, Banfield’s team were practically salivating to get their hands on my phones and PCs to go through them. It turned out that these devices invented in 2017 and 2021 would hold evidence of text messages and things posted to the internet in July 2010 so they needed to go through them. I naturally refused and this was the reason the rape case was not progressed.

With the information that I have now made public in light of the numerous threats and trolling I am receiving, I trust you can start to see through the very transparent attempts by DSu Banfield and his team lead by DI Elizabeth Basham to get access to evidence that would sink members of their team under the guise of investigating a different crime. It was painfully obvious the evidence contained on devices not yet invented at the time of the rape would have no influence nor help to that case, but being able to tamper with this evidence to assist covering up a crime provided a huge incentive for them.

When you look at how DI Elizabeth Basham is married to uniformed Chief Inspector Pete Basham and how he covered up a near identical incident of evidence proving the innocence of a Mr Jamie Penny who was subject to a failed malicious prosecution, you see how incestuous this web of corruption and how the same patterns of behaviour are at play.

You must also consider the behaviour of DC 1414 Brawn, who my spies tell me has FINALLY been suspended despite the huge attempts to cover this up, with Northants Police refusing to formally confirm. He was directly responsible for giving evidence he unlawfully seized that could have sunk Nick Adderley and his colleagues, to a convicted criminal in early 2022. This activity was raised to DCI Johnny Campbell who happily shut this down and who, shock horror, is also on the payroll of the PVP unit, giving Brawn a pat on the back for giving evidence to a convicted criminal.

This is something I have been vocal about PRIOR to the Nick Adderley scandal making the headlines, just listen to me (excuse the poor audio) on TalkRadio with the legend Ian Collins last August raising this when discussing the Lucy Letby case, something that in hindsight we are all starting to shift our opinion on.

Ian Collins TalkRadio 31st Aug 2023

Currently I have raised this 2014 incident of DC Kate Robinson who worked on the PVP unit in yet another email to A/CC Balhatchet this morning. He refuses to meet with me and is limiting his replies, seeming to now realise just how implicated he is and that I am every bit as good as my word in rooting out the corruption in Northants Police and our public services.

I posted recently how I was simply going through a long alphabetical list, starting with Adderley at the top and now moving onto those names starting with B, such as Banfield, Basham, Brawn and Campbell. I have extensive dossiers on all the corrupt officers, those good honest officers that are now seeing through the smear campaigns you have perpetuated about me are singing like canaries in a coal mine about each of your secrets from previous forces. To be told by these spies within NorPol that Balhatchet and Banfield etal think I am some harmless crank who is joking, I have a very simple message for you.

You will know full well when I am joking about something, as my bow tie will start to spin round and you’ll feel a jet of water getting sprayed in your face from my faux carnation on my jacket. Until then, continue to harass me and cover up this criminality of your officers at your own peril.

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