Nick Adderley – MORE voting fraud evidence revealed

During the misconduct hearing of 28th May 2024, Nick Adderley was finally held to account, being forced into providing answers to all the inconsistencies of his career, albeit via viewing statements he provided to the IOPC when interviewed under caution. While he has not yet taken the stand, he maintains his statements and being the pathological liar that he is, he cannot simply accept his fate and has continued to lie, doubling down that he never claimed the Falklands medals were his and any reference to the Falklands was all about his brother Rick Adderley that people misunderstood.

Through lying to try to cover his previous lies, new lies had to be laid on top of the older lies, creating a web of lies that makes if harder and harder to come back from. This level of detail was illuminating regarding other aspects of fraud, specifically the voter fraud.

I previously covered here how he added wife number 3 to the voters roll while falsely stating wife number 2 who he had recently divorced, still lived at the property during 2005, when in fact she had moved out long ago. While I didn’t pull any punches with the inferences of what he could have achieved, I was mindful this was a single event and could just be more evidence of Adderley’s stupidity.

Page 22 of the evidence bundle in the misconduct hearing references an email from Rick Adderley dated 19th July 2023 at 07:53 where he states his Navy service was from 1980 to August 1989. He confirms he emigrated to Australia in 2008 and gifted the SAM82 to Nick.

While all eyes are on the medal fiasco which I will be covering in due course, the salient point here is how Rick left the UK in 2008.

Page 178 of the evidence bundle contains a signed MG11 statement from Rick Adderley, he states in the 3rd paragraph how he joined the Navy in 1980 but left in 1987, already creating inconsistencies, he further obfuscates by refusing to name the ships he served on in the Falklands conflict due to The Official Secrets Act, making out he is some James Bond type character. You may well be seeing a common family trait here.

I had previously written here how Rick served on the clean up operation and travelled on the merchant navy vessel the Cedarbank, meaning he too is not entitled to the medal. The reason this is brought up is that this is the focus of the lie to help younger brother Nick out and he totally overlooks making reference to moving abroad, again mentioned to be 2008.

So with 2 statements, the first via email and the second in a signed sworn MG11 statement, Rick and Nick are adamant that Rick moved abroad in 2008.

If this is the case then why is Rick Adderley added to the electoral roll of 548 Chester Road in 2010, a time which he is not even in the country?

For anyone not familiar with the Adderley house saga. He purchased 550 in 1994/1995 and contracted out several extensions to the property. When his neighbour Charles Rimmer died in June 2008, the property of 548 that he lived in, passed to his children, who sold it to Nick in March 2009.

So with Charles Rimmer owning 548 Chester Road for decades before he died, Nick purchasing it in 2009, the year AFTER Rick moved to Australia, why then is Rick added onto the voters roll in 2010?

One possibly explanation is to enable Adderley to obtain the medals needed in Rick’s name by creating the illusion that Rick lives at this address, another is to obtain further polling cards need to cast fraudulent votes. The fact 2010 was a general election year yet again when this happened has not gone unnoticed.

Whatever the case, the simple fact is that adding someone who does not live at an address to the voters roll is pure and simple fraud, a pastime we know that Adderley has a fetish for. The 2005 incident can be explained away as Jenny previously living there and not being removed, but Rick never lived at 548 Chester Road and was by his own sworn statement, was not even in the country at this time.

There is simply no legal and legitimate reason you would seek to undertake this action unless trying to fraudulently represent facts that were not true. I myself moved abroad to Singapore and lived and worked there over 2 years, I still had bank accounts and mail sent to an address within the UK as a care of address. I was not however on the voters roll at this address, so any attempt to claim this was to maintain a domiciliary address in the UK just don’t stack up.

Given the inconsistencies with Rick’s statement, the Walting around his own medal and the catalogue of lies told by Nick Adderley already, their credibility is already stretched beyond all recognition. Adderley will today take the chair and face questioning by Mr Beggs KC, where I sincerely hope questions such as these are put to him to establish his character. Seeing Beggs in action yesterday just summing up and examining a witness, watching him take on a buffoon like Adderley will be like seeing a 87 year old in a self propelled wheelchair, trying to playing chicken with a juggernaut.

The octogenarian sauntering along, a push at a time as fast as his elderly arms can propel him, while the juggernaut, blasting its air horn is coming at him doing 90mph. This really is a foregone conclusion and one I am glad I have ringside seats for.

3 responses

  1. Scott.L.Pileckas | Reply

    Every conviction pursued under Add-a-lie’s name should be quashed or at least re-investigated since he didn’t have de jure authority as chief constable it seems. Good job Si!

  2. Whilst I agree that Nick Adderley has lied, and acted in an incorrect way I do not consider this to be as serious as is being made out by some people. Yes, he (Nick Adderley) deserves to be punished, but I still consider he has been a good Chief Constable for Northamptonshire.

    To put it into perspective compare Adderley’s actions WITH THOSE OF OUR PRESENT GOVERNMENT, whose lies, fraud and total lack of common sense and decency far exceed Adderley’s.

    I rest my case, M’lud.

  3. John Whittall | Reply

    Keep up the good work Simon, it makes frightening reading.

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