Nick AddADelay and day 4 of his never ending misconduct hearing

You might recognise the title and think I am just being lazy in just recycling the content. While this is technically true, the true architect and progenitor of this recycling is Nick Adderley with his repetition of the previous day’s petulant antics, proving my blog this morning was bang on the money with the predictions of his endgame.

The only thing of any substantive variation today, was the humorous symbolism of Adderley playing with his red cased iPhone (I assume an iPhone based on the precedent set by Baby Reindeer) and when the chair came in and everyone has to stand up, he hurriedly pressed the wrong button or setting, unmuting what appears to be the video to a news article he was watching. A thick American accent began booming the words “found guilty on all 34” before a series of hurried fingers mashed the keypad as fast as they could to mute it.

One assumes from deduction, that this news article was about Adderley’s role model. The man whose Twitter behaviour to cultivate a following and general approach to how he deals with legal issues are an inspiration to Adderley. A fellow former commander in chief, wrongly taken on by a crooked system. The irony of the words “GUILTY” audibly emanating from his seat, due to even Adderley’s own phone having the measure of him and betraying him was not lost on anyone attending.

Fate can be a demanding mistress, but she does have a wicked sense of humour.

We move on to how today should have progressed, has Mr Scheerhout been contacted and does he consent to attend as a witness? The panel were confused by why Reach PLC and their solicitor got involved confirming they refused to cooperate as they believed this did not involve the Manchester Evening News and was limited to just Mr Scheerhout as the author of a book, rather than a newspaper article.

Having been across this book for months now, as you can see it was published in conjunction with Manchester Evening News and their parent group Reach PLC, so they and their legal team, very much have a dog in the fight if it turns out their journalist just invented content as Adderley claims. The failure by the IOPC to provide this sooner and highlight the publisher links, highlight how poor the IOPC have been in building their case, not just for this, but because they also managed to allow a crucial piece of evidence to be binned.

So with no journalists attending, there was some talk of making Mr Bryn Hughes attend as a witness, something Adderley seemed to squirm and be very uncomfortable about. Rightly so as this was a huge ask to make a man relive this trauma, however peripherally, to help undermine the case and discredit the encyclopaedia of lies being levelled at Captain Pugwash. This was already raised yesterday that the desire to have authors attend is one coming from Adderley and the prosecution and Mr Beggs KC see no value in making the author attend, putting Adderley in the awkward position of getting exactly what he wants and being the reason why Mr Hughes is being contacted AGAIN to be asked something he has already said no to.

Callum Cowx the chair, in the absence of Adderley proving any answers raised several points of inconsistencies with the statement Adderley gave to the IOPC in October 2023. I need to be clear these are the responses to the original lies, where possible I will try to make reference to the original lie and the response, but do not think these were uttered by him recently, these are all historic statements he provided to try to explain his lies when things were in the very early stages when he did not realise the mountain of evidence people had and were waiting for his responses on first.

Callum Cowx also went on to dissect a further 10 pages of evidence Adderley has submitted with photographs the day before, this was difficult to make out as member of the public just hearing references so quotes are what could be made out with the benefit of images.

  1. He said on his CV he served 10 years in the Royal Navy – This was a mistake and he lumped in his sea cadet service from 1976 – 1986 making it 10 years.
  2. He said on his CV he attended Britannia college for 4 years – He did not attend, he just applied as this showed character.
  3. He said he attended university of Portsmouth Royal Naval Engineering College aka Manadon – This was not directly addressed and appears to be conflated with the above due to quoting Portsmouth as the location.
  4. He said on his CV he was a senior leader in the Royal Navy – This was a generic term of leadership and spoke of times where he took command of other sea cadets from 1976 and then when he was in charge of other seaman within the Royal Navy
  5. When his ship the HMS Invincible, recovered a downed Sea King helicopter using their winch.
  6. When Adderley helped to tow an Italian frigate that had engine failure.
  7. When he was stationed at HMS Cochrane in Scotland and was in charge of the armoury and its security.
    Then finally his service record and Navy qualifications.

So Callum Cowx raised the issues below before giving Adderley and the prosecution an opportunity to respond, to which they were content this had been raised in this fashion.

When addressing point 1, the minimum age for joining sea cadets is 12, meaning leaving at 20 years old in 1986 would make this 8 years at best NOT 10. Furthermore the sea cadets is a youth organisation and a charity is nothing to do with the Navy beyond the obvious connection of the sea. There is no way being part of one organisation allows you to substitute it for the other and list it as such on a CV.

When addressing point 2, there is a minimum entry requirement of an English language and English literature ‘O’ level, for those not of a certain vintage, these were the precursor to GCSEs. Merging this with also addressing point 3, there is a requirement for a minimum of 2 A levels for the technical college on top of the above O levels. Callum Cowx highlighted that the engineering college is actually in Plymouth NOT Portsmouth and called Manadon, so without even having any A levels and only having 1 English O level Adderley could never have even met the basic requirements to apply to either, much less get rejected. The fact he gets the address of the technical college wrong also implies he never even applied.

We address points 4 to 7 all together with damning forensic precision. Mr Cowx highlighted the layout of HMS Invincible and how it would have been a crane, not a winch used to retrieve a million pound helicopter. This was near the bridge of the Invincible and not something an acting seaman would be let anywhere near nor trained on as he just would not be on the bridge, therefore the notion he knew how to operate the crane, much less took charge is not true. The Italian frigate was recognised straight away by Mr Cowx as in fact a French frigate, and the notion Adderley took charge of junior officers to winch the ship for towing is again untrue.

Mr Cowx highlighted the basics known to anyone how the Navy is a hierachical organisation and the notion officers would be placed under the command of a junior rating would not happen, it would be the reverse.

This was again highlighted on how when working in the armoury and being let lose on the ships weapons, the lowest ranking officer would never be placed in charge or leading others in an area as sensitive as the ship’s entire payload of weapons. Adderley may have had duties in this section, but never placed in charge of its security. This then segued into his service record showing how he failed his ‘Sea Cat Missile Course’ (apologises to any sailors and Navy personnel if I have quoted that wrong from my notes) proving there is just no way an acting seaman who failed his courses would ever be put in charge of such an area, and if on the remote chance this were to happen, this could only be done with a Coxswain qualification, to which Adderley’s service record shows none.

This somewhat harsh but accurate evisceration of Adderley’s second tier lies, told exclusively to try to excuse the initial lies he told, made him sink sheepishly in his chair, exposed and impotent for all to see.

With matters resolved and a short recess to try to contact John Scheerhout before returning at 11am for potential questions or closing submissions, this looked to be nearing its end.

However in keeping with Adderley’s lies and DARVO, when we all returned there was yet another accusation and application that he put in via his Orville puppet due to his selective mutism. Having attacked the witness in the form of Paul Fell and that strategy failing, he then moved to attack the process and evidence in both the medal claiming it to have been switched, but also the provenance of the books he is quoted in. These attacks also failed so he then moved to attacking the overall procedure with the wording of the quotes used in his Regulation 30 notice and when this failed, with no one else left to attack save for his treacherous pen for writing all these scurrilous lies about him, he then moved to attacking the panel in a final pathetic effort to discredit the case and get it thrown out.

Adderley’s barrister said that due to Mr Cowx’s experience in the Navy he was unfairly judging Mr Adderley and had a concluded view of his statements as lies. He quoted all the things Mr Cowx had said as being evidence of prejudgements showing that Adderley could never convince him that he was being honest, no matter what he said. Adderley’s barrister directed at the chair how “the indication is this isn’t a steep hill I would have to climb to persuade you he is honest, it is a bare rock face.” He also said how Mr Cowx’s views “ran like a depth charge of your views of Mr Adderley’s honesty” before ending his cliched attempts at hoping they get picked up and used in the Netflix drama with his own hackneyed version of the James Bond creator Ian Flemming quote “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action so I don’t know where we are at with your Eleven examples”

In the cheapest of all shots, his barrister than quoted how members of the public had approached him to complain about Mr Cowx and this was evidence of how shockingly bias he truly is. Given that only 8 members of the public have been in attendance for the whole week, with others dipping in for a single morning or afternoon, this limits the pool of people who could possibly have complained, with suitable context to the entire proceedings.

I was naturally the first person from my perspective on this list, there was also a veteran and his wife in attendance with clear animosity against Mr Adderley, so much so that Mr Cowx on day 3 made comments for public comments about Mr Adderley to be kept civil. We all confirmed we did NOT make any such complaints.

Of the remaining 5 people were a retired female Police Sergeant and a retired male Police Inspector. While these people were pleasant and talking to us and can now be considered members of the public, this does create a conflict of interests if either of them were the ones to make the allegations.

Sam Dobbs & Charlotte Pateman from the Police Federation of England & Wales were also present. PFEW itself is an organisation riddled with scandal and cronyism and something I will be writing about very soon. This will not be the average puff piece complimenting the lavish gourmet lunches at Leatherhead provided, nor the £33k monthly contract with Portland Communications and salary packages of £200k with 20% children’s tuition fees included.

PFEW membership aside, this is before I even start on assessing the overall IQ of Sam Dobbs in light of the smears he is content to try to spread to justify his worshiping of Adderley lest he has to ever back peddle and acknowledge his enormous error of judgement in this regard. The most relevant example being the only explanation in his mind as to Adderley being subjected to this hearing, is me working in league with Stephen Mold in a plot to bring Adderley down. I leave you to all consider and assess his overall Police detection skills, if these are the best conclusions he can reach in the face of the evidence.

This leaves the final member of the public being Mrs Adderley the 3rd, making the only people who could have complained being either passers by who observed the most minimal interactions, or Police officers.

For someone who only 48 hours ago was claiming this entire case against Adderley was based on innuendo and inference, to grandstand like this, making vague reference to unnamed members (plural) of the public who complained is hypocritical and poor to say the least. To do so as part of a strategy as a means to either intimidate Mr Cowx into recusing himself as a means to reset the whole circus back adding months of delays, or perhaps scaring him into going too far the other way to disprove accusations of bias is shocking for how cheap a tactic it is, but at the same time all together not shocking & predictable in terms of the overall lies and failure to accept responsibility that Adderley has demonstrated to date.

I will not transcribe the remainder of the exchanges, not least because 4 days of scrawling down what reads like the notes of a failed TV pilot for how ridiculous it is, have meant my hands are keen to clock off and not type anymore, but also because they add little to it. The response from Mr Beggs KC was just highlighting Adderley’s lies as proof of Mr Cowx addressing these incongruities is not bias but merely an assessment of the facts. Adderley saying he joined the sea cadets at 10 when the minimum age is 12 cannot be judged as bias, this is an incontrovertible reading of the facts and how they do not stack up. With the man capable of providing clarity sitting opposite and could answer all questions in an instant, but choses not to, the chair has limited options but to record what he knows to be true and discard Mr Adderley’s statements as factually inaccurate.

The fact this assertion is repeated many times is in no way the fault of Mr Cowx, but rather the fault of Mr Adderley for the many, many, many, many statements given, none which match any of his other statements and more importantly, none of which match the reality which we all live in.

I will conclude with a little teaser for what is to come, separate to the next potential date of 20th June when we are aiming to resume and conclude matters.

Adderley needed to discuss a matter in private. With the chair, after being attacked, somewhat reluctant to walk into this potential bear trap of excluding the public without knowing more. He asked for the reasons why and when told it would become clear once discussed in private, but only related to listing and availability dates, Adderley’s barrister was asked to write a short note. This was done in a few seconds and shown to Mr Beggs KC before being passed to the chair, who I noticed did a very animated exclaimed and shocked eyebrow raise. For someone so composed, even when being attacked this highlighted the significance.

Whatever was on the note clearly worked, as he asked the room to be cleared and reassured the public this was nothing to do with the hearing subject matter, but was rather an admin function of listing new dates and availability, but was a matter that had to be discussed in private.

In the absence of facts, speculation is left to fill the void, but applying some logic to it, we must question what possible conflict of dates could occur that would mean Adderley cannot attend, so much so that he needs to expand upon this in private. He is on suspension, quite happily whiling away the days while the taxpayer funds his lifestyle of him watching re-runs of Homes under the hammer. There is surely no appointment he cannot move, unless this is one made that he has no say in when he can attend.

Such an important event being something he does not want the press nor public to get wind of, sufficient to cause raise eyebrows from the chair and immediately clearing the room is one thing. Something that a Police misconduct hearing is less powerful than, forcing several legally trained people and the Office of Police Fire and Crime Commissioner to fall in line behind and work around it is something else all together and I know of very few, if not perhaps only a single possibility of what such an immutable event that cannot be changed is.

One to file away for future reference me thinks and keep a close eye on the news as when all the glitter fades, all the people that supported the leader of this gang may well be regretting ever having been seen in public with, much less praising this man.

One response

  1. Scott.L.Pileckas | Reply

    add a lie has nerve showing up in anything more than a monkey suit (a good and apt metaphor if ever one served him in such administrative contexts), sullying the good name and profile of decent and honourable police officers everywhere.

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