Peeling the onion of Nick Adderley’s lies he has told to the IOPC

In what is turning into the epitome of the gift that just keeps on giving, the story of Nick Adderley and his excuses he has told at his misconduct hearing takes another interesting turn when analysing the rescue of a Sea King helicopter in Autumn of 1985.

When he was first questioned by the IOPC in October 2023 and signed the MG11 statement as being honest, a copy of which is exhibited at pages 64 to page 80 of the hearing bundle, rather than choose to be honest and admit he has been caught out with his assertions he was a senior leader, he doubles down and lies further. When first questioned in October 2023, this was a world away from where we are now with so much more that has come out since. Adderley figured then if he could lie his way out of the Commander & leader claims, he would be home and dry, however he did not stop there.

Adderley via his Orville puppet barrister, as he had selective mutism during the hearing, backed up the lies given in his statement to the IOPC in October, presenting photos of a downed Sea King helicopter that HMS Invincible rescued during the misconduct hearing last week, trying to justify his various ‘leadership’ efforts he took part in while in the Royal Navy. Effectively keeping up the October lie, maintaining this to be true.

Before we start to peel the onion and expose how these responses to the initial lie are yet more lies, we need to understand the importance that this is NOT just more of the same.

Giving evidence while under caution as a serving Police officer about what amounts to a criminal offence and signing an MG11 with a statement of truth, and then presenting (albeit indirectly) misleading facts and statements amounts to fraud by false representation to try to continue to draw his salary and keep his pension as well as misfeasance in public office, with potential of even attempting to pervert the course of justice.

In Adderley’s mind it is easy to just see this as yet another lie layered on top of the first, assuming that he has nothing to lose and will just go for broke and lie until the bitter end, hoping some of them get through and mitigate the shitstorm he is at the centre of.

So with the gravity of the situation explained and readers sufficiently braced, let us set sail for the latest stop in the never ending scandal.

Adderley joined the Navy in October 1984 and was formally discharged on 5th December 1986, he was an ‘acting’ able seaman until the very earliest 9th April 1986 or more likely on 15th May 1986, meaning he was still doing his basic training and would always be under the supervision of other more senior seaman and midshipman, be they other ratings or junior officers.

He claims that while on HMS Invincible, the rescue of a downed Sea King helicopter, was one where he led the winch party. For me as a novice, a winch is a piece of equipment that I am familiar with in terms of what it does, but could easily be fooled into missing the detail of how it was the crane on HMS Invincible NOT the winch that was used. This was a fact that did not escape the chair Callum Cowx, with his former Naval experience. This level of knowledge sadly forms part of Adderley’s attacks that Callum Cowx is bias as he has formed a “concluded view” of Mr Adderley’s guilt.

To help Callum Cowx I’ve done my own research into the incident Nick Adderley claims he led, and can expose it here as yet more lies.

Does my interpretation of prima facie evidence proving Adderley’s statement to be more deluded fantasy mean I too have a concluded view? No it just means I have eyes and ears and am capable of reading and listening to first hand accounts and recognising the glaring inconsistencies.

I have spoken with Jock Alexander OBE and heard his first hand account of the rescue of the helicopter that Adderley references. He had written extensively about the incident which you can read here, as Jock WAS an officer on HMS Invincible and confirms that a genuine Lieutenant, one Lt Paul Jones led the diving party, in the autumn of 1985 to rescue this helicopter.

1985 being the year prior to Adderley becoming a full able seaman, while he was still training, thus it is impossible he could ever have been put in charge of anyone else, much less an actual Lieutenant.

As Callum Cowx rightly pointed out during the final day of the hearing, there was no Coxswain qualification on Adderley’s service record, something that is needed for being a sailor and being qualified to drive the vessels needed to help get to the helicopter to help rescue it. Adderley’s service record shows he did not have the appropriate Royal Navy driving licence needed to be trusted with piloting a sea vessel and had not even finished his basic training, so the fact that he seems to claim he would have been put in charge of a vessel he did not know how to operate and in charge of other more senior midshipman is not just ludicrous, it is offensive to those who did go through an ordeal, such as Jock Alexander OBE.

Jock writes in detail how he got covered in and ingested a large amount of jet fuel and needed to have his ears, nose and throat flushed through with saline solution in the infirmary, meaning this was not an easy nor pleasant rescue for those at the sharp end.

With Lt Paul Jones and Jock Alexander OBE having no recollection of Adderley in any capacity, this at best creates problems for Adderley’s version of events. The most that might have happened for him being involved was that as a rating, Adderley was tasked to muck in and had his hands on the rope, helping pull on this when told, with positive encourage of being told “you can do this, put your back into it” followed by a “well done” by the officer as a means of positive reinforcement for his team. Likely this is the extent of his ‘commendations’ that he references on the same MG11 statement to the IOPC.

With Lt Paul Jones being the officer clearly in charge of this incident and at no time during this incident, nor in his entire career, ever undertaking a rescue mission where he as a Lieutenant was reporting into an untrained rating who had been placed in charge, this utterly debunks Adderley’s fantasy that he was the lead here. First hand accounts and conversations confirming the crane would have been used rather than the winch as Adderley claims exactly match what Mr Cowx surmised. This then follows that this being an expensive and delicate piece of equipment that would require training, something Nick Adderley did not have, mean the rest of his account of having an involvement is now so full of holes you could pilot HMS Invincible itself through it.

I am convinced that this will mean the next target for Mr Adderley’s attacks will be Jock Alexander OBE himself, and that his article written in July 2022 is all lies, part of a conspiracy against him, a witch hunt if you will, headed by the most crooked judge in history, a disgrace, a rigged trial. I could keep copying and pasting the Donald Trump quotes from his trial, but the parallels are there for all to see and make their own judgements on.

Just in case anyone does feel that this incident is a ‘Jockanory’ invention of fiction, let us familiarise ourself with the service record of Jock Alexander OBE and judge who is more credible between him and Nick Adderley.

Alexander spent 38 years in the Royal Navy, initially as a seaman officer and ship’s diver before becoming a pilot in 1984, proceeding to spend the next 32 years in the Fleet Air Arm. A full copy of his achievements can be read alongside.

Adderley served 2 years in the Royal Navy failing much of training requirements before being cut loose as unsuitable, before bumbling about in various jobs including working at Kwik Save, being a tyre fitting and then running the Hooton Arms before joining the Police and living the motto “fake it till you make it”

So with Adderley’s second tier lie exposed and found out with ease by me as a civilian from open source info in my own spare time, does the fact Callum Cowx found this out by utilising his own Naval experience mean he has a concluded view, and once that question is answered does this mean he should recuse himself and by extension his two wingmen that appear to also be to quote Mr Beggs KC, somehow infected by his knowledge amounting to bias?

The obvious answer is no, Mr Cowx should neither recuse himself, nor show any leniency on Captain Pugwash who has lied both on his CV and Developed Vetting forms, but when interviewed under caution by the IOPC, further lied and invented more stories claiming the exploits of men far braver than him as his own, and then went even further by building on the two existing lies to submit 10 pages of additional photographic evidence to Mr Cowx during the hearing to try to hoodwink him into believing him these lies are true, in order to sway his decision.

At this stage, if Adderley was Pinocchio he would have taken Mr Beggs’ KC eye out across the other side of the room!

The simple facts are that Nick Adderley was never a leader within the Royal Navy and at least one of his quoted forays into leadership to worm his way out of this first lie can be proven to be utter fantasy and further lies. Something he knew as such but hoped that being nearly 40 years ago, the chances of anyone finding this information to debunk it would be slim. The very reason that his evidence was entered this late and these incidents were chosen, is because the burden of proof to show Nick Adderley is lying, falls on the OPFCC of Northants to sufficiently prove, not for Mr Adderley to prove he is telling the truth.

The only way the OPFCC can sufficiently prove he is lying is by analysing his lies and presenting evidence as I have done. By entering specific details at the last minute, this runs down the clock on investigating and finding out specific details to disprove his lies. When you consider that the books exposing Nick Adderley’s lies were shared by me and others as early as January 2024 but were only given to Mr Beggs KC last bank holiday weekend to be entered as evidence, this does not inspire confidence in the OPFCC to act efficiently nor with the sufficient vigour needed to hold Adderley to account. I do question the motivations of the OPFCC in their overall weak approach and am left to wonder if the change in management with Danielle Stone may well have played a part in strengthening the altogether weak case, first put together by Stephen Mold.

My own experience of the OPFCC actively refusing to log complaints against Nick Adderley that I raised on the very same day they were “investigating” the medal issues on Monday 17th July 2023, and in the same email also closing down crimes I had reported being committed by serving Northants Police officers, threatening me with logging duplicate crimes demonstrate very clear bias in them trying to cover things up as much as they can.

SPOILER ALERT said crimes are STILL being covered up but I will be addressing that in a separate blog.

So with the default position of the OPFCC being cover ups as next to nothing ever gets properly investigated, and only being forced into taking action now due to the media exposure, my faith in the OPFCC with all their resources, to have the sufficient experience to find what I am able to in my spare time with ease is limited at best. Or to put in more industrial styled language, I wouldn’t trust Emily Evans and her boss Paul Fell to be able to find shit in a cowshed.

Farmyard analogies aside, I am writing this blog as an open letter and invitation to both Mr Callum Cowx and Mr Beggs KC that the evidence to already expose Nick Adderley’s statement given to the IOPC and his further submissions via Mr Holdcroft is here for the world to see. There is no need for Mr Cowx and his panel to recuse themselves, in fact there is now sufficient evidence to hold Mr Adderley in contempt of the proceedings with a further charge of PTCoJ and MiPO to be levelled at Nick Adderley for not only deliberately and wilfully misleading both the IOPC and the panel, but then having the audacity to accuse the panel of bias as a means to cover up these more serious second tier lies when they have been recognised as such.

2 responses

  1. Wonderful piece on Mr “Walter Mitty”(which is more likely to be on his Birth Certificate-if you can find it!)How Adderley ever got this far by lying about everything since birth is nothing less than AMAZING!The fact that people STILL BELIEVE HIM is maybe the bigger scandal(perhaps that should be the next investigation on your list).Well done,Sir(and keep up with your investigation).

  2. northamptondat | Reply

    Apparently a case of:

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”

    As penned by a real Walt!

    Excellent investigative skills. Well done.

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